how to connect with your spirit guides

hero image spiritual connection

In this blog post I share how to connect to your spirit guides by following 10 steps. I believe we all have spirit guides, and when you cultivate a relationship with your guides you will receive clear, wise guidance to help you in every area of your life.

It’s important to understand that, because a lot of people say, “I don’t hear my guides, I don’t know if they’re there, I don’t get support when I need it.” That is a reflection of disbelief and the active NOT allowing, which blocks the communication.

Your guides are always there. They are always supporting you. But they cannot come in unless you ask. 

what are spirit guides?

It’s said that we each have an angel on either side of us, and we also have guides — maybe a spirit who has been with us in lifetimes before, an ancestor who can support us, or someone we knew in our lifetime.

These are beings of the highest truth and compassion working on our behalf to guide our thoughts and energy back to love. They’re not physical and aren’t bound by the natural laws of this world. They’re spiritual beings.

We always have a relationship with these beings, but it’s up to us to decide whether we want to have a dialogue with them and let their presence be known.

These beings of light come in many forms and they have different purposes, but their common goal is to help guide us back into alignment with the love of the Universe.

why connect with your spirit guides?

Our spirit guides help guide us back into alignment with the love of the Universe. When you get stuck in a fear-based thought or pattern, you can turn to your guides to help lead you back to love. When you want to receive their guidance, all you have to do is be willing to surrender your fear and see with spiritual sight.

our spirit guides are here to give us love and light; the simple act of asking for help opens us up to receiving divine guidance

Knowing that there is a presence always supporting you will give you unshakable faith and strength.

how we experience our spirit guides

Once you begin inviting in your spirit guides, there are different ways you might experience their presence.

inner knowing

You can experience a spirit guide as an inner knowing. You may feel or sense your guide’s presence, or “hear” a voice within, like a strong intuition or realization. Some people audibly hear (or see) their guides.

sparks of light

Sparks of light are another indicator of a spirit guide’s presence. Sometimes when I know my guides are with me, I see little sparks of light. It’s so cool to see that light and know there’s a presence with me at that moment!

gabby meditating in zen den

My Zen den in my former NYC office was filled with their presence — I have a friend whose young daughter liked to go up there because she said that’s where the fairies were (little kids are very much connected to their guides still because they haven’t created the barrier of disbelief that blocks them from that connection).

books falling off the shelf

When books fall off the shelf, your spirit guides are the ones who are kicking them off for you! I can’t tell you how many people have written to me or spoken to me at an event and said they discovered my book because it literally fell off the shelf in front of them. You can experience this kind of guidance! It is available to you.

free-writing after meditation

Another way you can experience the presence of a spirit guide is through writing. You can call on your spirit guides through meditation, and following your meditation you can free-write and allow the voice of your guides to work through you.

Connecting to your spirit guides is about learning to rely on the voice of love. The reason these guides are here is to constantly bridge your thoughts from fear back to faith, forgiveness, love and light. They present you with creative solutions and beautiful opportunities.


You can directly experience your spirit guides through meditation. Enter your information below to get a free meditation to help you connect.

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my experience with spirit guides

Since I was very young, I’ve felt a presence of spiritual guidance within me, around me and connected to me.

In my book Super Attractor, I open up about spirit guides in a way I never had before. I’d written about Universal guidance and God, but until I sat down to write this book, I’d always held myself back from sharing about the presence of my nonphysical guides.

For many years I was always worried I might freak people out or make someone feel like they had to share my beliefs. But when writing Super Attractor, I felt called to push the metaphysical envelope and speak openly and unapologetically about the spiritual realm. I knew the world was becoming ready to open up to new forms of guidance.

When we become willing to see a world beyond our physical sight, then life becomes easier, we feel safer and we can access our true power.


I’ve grown to rely on these nonphysical guides in every area of my life. There have been countless moments in my life when I’ve witnessed the divine intervention of my guides.

how to connect to your spirit guides

If you’re ready to open a connection to your spirit guides, follow these 10 steps.

Step 1

get into the habit of asking

The first step to connecting with your spirit guides is to get into the habit of asking.

When we forget that we can call on spirit for help, we start to rely on our strength. That’s when fear sets in.

We often forget that we have guidance within us and around us. In the busyness of day-to-day life, it’s really easy to forget this connection.

Therefore, the first step is to get into the habit of asking your spirit guides for help.

the more you ask, the more you receive – period

make a list of what you need your spirit guides’ help with

Make a list of the 5 to 10 biggest things you need help with. You can do this now, or you can come back to this exercise after aligning with your inner wisdom through prayer or meditation.

Once you make this list, your next step is to offer up everything you need help with and invite your spirit guides to reveal solutions.

only call in spirit guides of the highest truth and compassion

Remember always to call in the guides of the highest truth and compassion. You can do this through a simple prayer. Before connecting with your spirit guides, say silently or out loud:

Guides of the highest truth and compassion, I invite your guidance with the following issues…

You don’t want to invite funky guides to the party! Be very specific and clear about what kind of guidance you’re calling in so you don’t get any riff-raff coming through.

As with the human world, there are lots of different characters, and we don’t always want to invite every character over for dinner. The same goes for spiritual relationships. We want to open up our consciousness, space and energy only to the guides of the highest truth and compassion.

Don’t worry about this too much. You call the shots, so don’t fear those other beings. They can’t come in without your permission.

remember that you can call on your spirit guides anytime

You don’t have to wait for a problem to crop up in order to contact your spirit guides. Every time I give a talk, the first thing I say backstage to myself is, “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for speaking through me.”

Whenever I say this silent prayer to call on my guides, I know the words that I need will come through me. The simple act of asking is all that’s required for the guidance to show up.

Step 2


The second step in connecting to your spirit guides is to listen. The way to do this is by meditating. When you meditate, you quiet your mind so that you can hear the wisdom of the guidance that’s within you and around you.

We have to slow down our vibration to become aligned with the presence of these guides. When we attune our energy to the frequency of love and peace, we can more easily connect to the vibrational messaging of our spirit guides.

Step 3

write with your spirit guides

Once you’ve meditated, your next step is to write with your spirit guides. Open your journal or just grab a few sheets of paper. At the top, write an invitation to them, such as:

  • “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for revealing to me the solutions to these issues.”
  • “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for revealing to me whatever you want me to know.”
  • “Dear guides of the highest truth and compassion, I welcome you to write through me now.”
  • “Thank you, guides of the highest truth and compassion, for writing through me.”

Then simply let your pen flow.

Just riff onto the page, allowing whatever needs to come through. Ideas, stories, topics, inspired visions, things that you may not have thought of on your own, will begin to come forward. Don’t second-guess yourself or edit a word. Just write.

your spirit guides may speak directly to you

You may find in this writing experience that your guides begin speaking to you directly. Instead of writing in the first person you may begin writing in the second person. When I am channeling my guides they often say, “Dear sister…”

In some cases, your handwriting might even change. You might feel a presence of energy moving through you. That means that there’s a presence that’s working through you to give you direction.

Step 4

ask for a sign

Your spirit guides can play fun games with you! They like to show you that they’re present. So get playful with them and ask them for a sign.

Have you never asked for a sign before? Or have you asked but not known whether you received it? Learn how to ask for a sign and know when you’ve received clear guidance.

You’ll be blown away when you start to ask your guides to show you signs! It will rock your world.

Watch this video for more on asking for a sign from your spirit guides:

Step 5

pay attention to the guidance you receive

It’s one thing to ask for guidance. It’s another thing to witness it, to really take it in and relish in the presence that’s supporting you.

When you pay attention to the guidance you receive, you’re letting yourself be in the awe and wonder of all the love that is around you. It’s a big deal. This beautiful feeling is available when you truly let yourself witness the amazing support that is always with you.

The practice of paying attention to guidance isn’t about demanding.

You don’t go around all day asking, “Where’s my guidance? Where’s my guidance?” Instead, you simply allow yourself to be open to the wonder of that guidance.

Your guidance may show up in cool and unexpected ways, even in ways I haven’t mentioned here. Your guidance can show up as a song on the radio, a billboard on the freeway or somebody saying to you exactly what you needed to hear.

Our spirit guides often work through other people. They work through doctors, friends, children and even strangers. Spirit guides love to work through technology, too!

Throughout my spiritual practice, I’ve learned that there are trusted signs to look for when you are receiving guidance.

Here are 5 signs to look out for:

  1. You feel a sense of inner peace and calm. When you receive messages from your guides, you’ll often experience a deep sense of peace and calm. This can feel like a warm, comforting presence that surrounds you and helps remove any fear or doubt.
  1. You see repeat signs or symbols. Your guides may communicate with you through signs and symbols that have special meaning to you. If you keep seeing the same symbols or signs, this could be a message from your guides.
  1. You get sudden insights or inspiration. Your guides may also communicate with you through unexpected insights or inspiration. If you suddenly have an idea or a solution to a problem, it’s possible your guides are directing you.
  1. You feel guided to take specific actions. If you have a strong urge to take a specific action, even if it doesn’t make logical sense, this could be a message from your guides. Trust your intuition and follow the guidance you receive.
  1. You experience physical sensations. Some people report feeling physical sensations when they receive messages from their guides. This can include tingling in the body, a sense of warmth, or pressure in certain areas.

Everyone’s experience of receiving messages from their spirit guides is unique. What’s most important is to pay attention to the signs and messages that resonate with you, and trust the guidance you receive.

Step 6

stay in an energy of gratitude

As I mentioned in step 5, you want to thank your guides. Rather than being in a place of neediness, you want to be in a place of gratitude and appreciation for their guidance and love.

Shift the way you talk to your guides. If you find yourself thinking things like, “Guides, why haven’t you given me this yet?” or “Guides, I don’t believe in you. Why haven’t you shown up for me faster?” — you’re showing your distrust of them. You’re telling them you’re not really open to their guidance and that you want to be in control.

your gratitude keeps your relationship strong

Instead, you want to be thanking your guides, appreciating them and feeling deep love and gratitude for them.  When you receive any form of guidance, thank them. Just say silently, “Thank you, guides, for showing me this solution.” Or, “Thank you, guides, for this sign.” And when your guides give you a spiritual assignment, thank them for that as well!

Your gratitude keeps the relationship so strong and keeps those guides present with you all the time, because they know they’re welcome.

When you open your heart to offer your guides gratitude and appreciation, they boomerang that energy right back to you. It’s hard to describe what it feels like to be in this place of constant love and gratitude with your guides. It’s a tremendous and beautiful feeling. And it’s available to you.

Step 7

release the outcome and trust in a plan better than your own

Your guides have a plan that’s better than yours. They’re loving and wise, and they want to bring you to the right relationship, the right career, the doctor you need, the experience that will help you.

Sometimes we get in the way of that guidance. I’ve often avoided divine guidance by trying to control situations. I’ve obsessed over how things should go and tried to manipulate outcomes to get what I thought was best. Inevitably, this only pushed my guides away.

But… when we let go of our plans and trust in a plan that’s much greater than ours, we start to truly feel like we’re being led. When we surrender, we can feel our guides leading us to the next right action.

We must release outcomes in order to truly be in co-creation with our spirit guides.

Step 8

be more childlike

If you have young kids in your life, you may be aware that many children can still see their guides. They may even speak about them. Usually around the age of 7 the veil starts to close and we shut down to this guidance system.

To lift that veil and reconnect with your guides, be more childlike! Do things that bring you joy. Jump on a trampoline. Go for a run. Paint. Swim. Cook. Whenever I’m cooking, I feel the presence of my guides around me.

do the things that bring you joy, and guidance will show up fast

Remember, joy is the most powerful vibration we can embody!

Step 9

ask your spirit guides for their names if you feel called to do so

You don’t have to do this step. But if you feel called to ask your guide’s name (or multiple guides’ names), ask them to reveal it to you. The first name that comes to mind will be the name of your guide. Even if it sounds strange, you can trust that what you hear is correct. Trusting your relationship with your guides is extremely important.

One of my guides is a guide called Lily, and she came to me many years ago. I just knew her name was Lily. After several years of knowing Lily, I had a medium give me a reading. At the end of the reading, she said, “Lily wants me to tell you thank you, because she loves working with you.” I hadn’t told the medium about Lily or written about this guide. The medium just knew she was there.

Step 10

trust in your own psychic ability

Believe in yourself and  in your capacity to call on this presence. Trust in your ability to connect to these guides and to feel that support. Know that you have an ever-present energy of love that is always within you and around you supporting you and guiding you.

The more that you trust in your own psychic ability, the more you’ll be able to hear and the more you’ll allow this divine guidance to lead you to the highest good.

Allowing spirit guides into your life is a great gift.


Not only will they support you, but they’ll also help you help others. They’ll support you in being a light in the world.

We need this presence of light to support us right now, in the chaos, drama and violence of these times. We need this presence to bring us back to love.

free spirit guide meditation

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how to ground yourself after connecting with your spirit guides

When you tune into the spirit realm you may feel your energy shift. It’s important to take time to ground yourself after connecting with your spirit guides.

You want to always remember that you are having a human experience and you’re here on this planet in a body. To ground yourself back into your body you can do a few simple things:

  • Stomp your feet to ground yourself into the earth.
  • Sit on a rock to feel connected to the earth.
  • Take time to sit in stillness and drink a cup of tea or eat a snack. Do something that is consciously caring for yourself.
  • You can also zip up your energy. Imagine there’s a zipper at the bottom of your feet and zip yourself up all the way over your head and back down to your ankles.

Follow any one of these practices to get grounded after communicating with your spirit guides.

connect with your spirit guides regularly

The more you talk to your spirit guides, the more you’ll rely on this ever-present guidance system. As you ask for and surrender to divine guidance, miracles will occur more and more often. (check out my blog post on angels and archangels.)

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