tapping into your intuition, manifesting your destiny and listening to your inner oracle
“This is @#$%ing crazy.”
Those were the very first words recorded for this Big Talk episode, and they came from me. Given that I was having internationally acclaimed Oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid as my guest, I knew this Big Talk was going to be absolutely full of jaw-dropping moments—but I still underestimated it.
Earlier that day, I’d had a vision about recording a future episode on how we connect to Spirit through dreams. I brought the vision to a colleague, who was all for it. Then I sat down with Colette to record this episode, and right off the bat she hands me this new deck of Oracle cards. The second we start recording, I happened to look down at the deck and saw that it’s called the Dream Weaver’s Oracle.
Mind. Blown.
And this is not the first time I’ve had bizarre synchronicity with Colette. It has happened over and over—and if you’re going to be in sync with someone, she is pretty much the best candidate imaginable.
Not only did we have a great talk about destiny, spirit, intuition and oracles, but Colette was kind enough to do an Oracle reading on me, live on the podcast. Her reaction to the card I got: “Oh, I knew you were going to get that card. Of course you did. It’s yours. I can’t get that one.”
Like I said, whether you’re a total expert on Oracles or you’ve barely heard the word, this episode is for you. (By the way, an Oracle is someone with prophetic gifts who can function as a medium and provide insights and predictions.)
in this episode, you’ll learn:
- The different meanings of daydreams vs. nighttime dreams, and which one Colette thinks we should pay way more attention to (you might be surprised!)
- How to tap into your intuition and completely transform the way you make decisions and approach your life
- What it means that we’re spiritual beings first, human second—and how we can reclaim that spiritual identity
- What Colette calls “the greatest suffering we experience” and exactly how to heal it
- The most insidious sources of burnout and what we can do about them
the difference between instinct and intuition
There was so much good stuff in this episode that I could have just made this blog a verbatim transcript of the entire episode. Don’t worry—I didn’t do that, because I know you’re busy and that’s why podcasts are such an amazing, convenient and portable medium. Still, I did want to share one section that you’re going to want to let really sink in.
when trying to improve your ability to tap into your intuition, it’s easy to conflate instinct with true intuition
But, as Colette says, there’s a huge difference.
Instinct is a stress response. It comes when we’re looking for or reacting to potential threats. It’s about survival. It’s fight-or-flight mode. Intuition, on the other hand, shows up when we’re safe and when we’re 100% present. That doesn’t mean everything is calm in that moment; even if we’re in an argument and we’re uncomfortable, our intuition can still show up as long as we feel safe and present. Often, instinct and intuition work together. But they’re not the same thing. Instinct is quick and loud. Intuition is softer. Intuition transcends the immediate moment and shows us where we’re heading. Intuition can be honed with practice, like a muscle.
One of the methods of tapping into intuition is via Oracle cards. That part of the conversation led to a truly exciting moment for me, when Colette did an Oracle reading for me right there on the podcast.
my oracle reading with colette
The value of Oracle cards, for me, is that I don’t always have Colette in the room with me. Her beautiful deck of Oracle cards is a way to continue that practice without her presence. Lucky for me, on this particular day, I had both the cards and Colette.
Colette encouraged me to ask a question, and it couldn’t be a yes/no question. I said, “Where am I in my path right now?”
The response was so, so good. It’s better in her voice, so I’ll let you listen. We also pulled cards based on more specific questions, and it felt so real and so inspiring.
As Colette says, when we are inspired, it’s a gift from Spirit. If we’re open to it, those gifts are everywhere. When we are born, we are spiritual beings that take on a form. And it’s not an accident. We were chosen. That higher power, that Consciousness with a capital C, chose us because it needs us to experience the higher power in material form. We often lose this connection as soon as we’re old enough to identify ourselves as people who are separate from our caregivers and are part of the environment around us. But that power is still within us.
Tapping into that power is transformative.
Colette has such an inspiring energy that in her presence, I kept having these “boings”—these moments of intuition and inspiration. Her energy is powerful enough that I know you’ll feel it through the podcast, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you have your own boings.
As I said on the podcast, any time you hear yourself saying, Wow, that’s so crazy! that’s a boing. After this Big Talk, you’ll be on the lookout for alllllll the boings.
weekly card reading

Lucky for us, the Universe will do for you what you cannot do for yourself. All the greatest healing I’ve experienced in my life has come from an experience the Universe placed in front of me and not something that I made happen. That’s the beauty of a spiritual path. When you surrender and allow the Universe to do its thing, true healing is presented to you. (Be on the lookout for those boings!)
Wishing you the clarity and peace that comes from surrendering to the Universe and trusting that badass intuition of yours.
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free meditation for connecting with your spirit guides
- Colette Baron-Reid (she/her) is a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, spiritual intuitive, personal transformation thought leader, business strategist, artist and educator. She’s the founder of The Oracle School Experience®, OraclePalooza®and the DreamQuest Platinum Mastermind. She’s also the host of INSIDE THE WOONIVERSE, a weekly podcast. Author of 15 bestselling Oracle card decks, with over a million sold worldwide, and 7 books published in 27 languages, Colette’s greatest joy is teaching people they can have a direct and personal dialogue with the Universe to help them create their most fulfilling lives. She’s also really into quantum physics, creating and innovating ancient divination systems for the modern mystic, and helping business leaders thrive by discovering how to work with the spirit of their business.
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- If you feel you need additional support, please consult this list of safety, recovery and mental health resources. I’m proud of you for your commitment to self-care.
This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your personal journey towards inner peace. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health professional.