how to manifest: the do’s and don’ts of manifesting

hero image manifesting

The Super Attractor community opened my eyes to something a while back.

I kept getting messages from people on Facebook and Instagram asking about manifesting and saying they weren’t sure they were doing it right.

So I ran a poll on my IG Stories that said, “Have you ever felt confused about how to manifest?”

I was shocked to see that 96% of people said yes!

I felt called to clear things up, so in this post I’m sharing more information, including three do’s and don’ts of manifesting.

what is manifesting?

Manifesting is cultivating the experience of what it is that you want to feel — and then living and believing in that experience so that you can allow it to come into form.

You can practice manifesting to attract whatever you want, whether that’s a successful business, better health, a relationship or even a material object.

Sometimes we manifest things far beyond our wildest dreams. So when manifesting, it’s important to stay open to possibilities that are beyond what you think you need. When you align with the loving energy of the Universe, there are no limits to what you can attract.

manifesting is the process of vibrating at a high frequency so that you become a vibrational match with the Universe and can co-create your world

Want to know the secret to manifesting? Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about allowing. As soon as you let go of control you become a magnet for what you desire. Too often, people try to control and end up feeling stuck, blocked or powerless. Instead, you need to harness the creative forces within you and take powerful actions to become a Super Attractor.

what is the #1 key to manifesting?

There are many important elements of attracting your desires… but the #1 key to manifesting is to cultivate the energy of what you want to experience.

Cultivating the energy of what you want is crucial because manifesting happens on the level of energy.

It doesn’t matter how many vision boards you make or affirmations you say. Ultimately, it’s all about your energy. 

Trust that if you’re in the feeling of the manifestation, then you are already living out your desire, even if it has not come into form. This is a practice of, like Abraham-Hicks say, getting your hands in the clay and building, growing, cultivating, designing the feeling and the life that you want to experience.

our energy attracts our experiences

We’re all beings of energy. When our energy vibrates at a low level, we attract low-level circumstances. But when our energy is in a high vibration, we attract positive outcomes.

I know that may sound heady, but it’s the truth. This is why the first chapter in Super Attractor is titled “The Universe Always Delivers.” Your energy is always sending a message to the Universe.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you want to create more abundance in your life, but what you feel in your daily life is a sense of lack or deprivation. You think a lot about what you don’t have, and you compare yourself to people who have more.

Since what you’re feeling is a sense of lack, you manifest more lack. This is because each thought and feeling we have sends an energetic message to the Universe. And the Universe always responds in kind.

The Universe will deliver us people, experiences and outcomes that match our vibrational frequency. You can write a million times in your journal, “I am abundant,” but if you don’t feel abundant, you won’t attract abundance.

It’s really important to understand that we’re always manifesting, whether we’re conscious of it or not.

how to manifest: the do’s and don’ts

Let’s break it down more. Keep reading to discover big do’s and don’ts of manifesting. Follow them and you will truly co-create with the Universe!

do decide what you want to manifest

What is it that you want? Become unapologetic about what you want. Own it. Believe it. Trust that it can be yours. Write it down right now. I want to be seen in the world in this way. I want to attract my romantic partner. I want to attract more abundance into my life.

The day before I got the call asking me to be on SuperSoul Sunday, I was sitting at my desk and this energy just moved through me, and I picked up a paper and a pen and I wrote, I am ready to be interviewed by Oprah.

No joke, literally the next day I received a phone call from her company saying, “We’d like to have you interviewed by Oprah on SuperSoul Sunday.” That’s how fast the Universe works! When you’re in alignment with what you want and you feel it, then you begin to effortlessly manifest it into your life. The Universe supports you.

don’t expect exactly what you want to manifest to just drop in your lap

This may be the biggest manifesting misconception around. There’s this idea that all you have to do is make a vision board and write a thousand affirmations in your journal, and then the exact thing you desire will magically appear before you.

Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about becoming.


Vision boards and affirmations are great because they offer clarity. I love both of them! But by using those, we can get caught up in thinking that we know what’s best. We get very attached to a specific outcome or want things to happen on a particular timeline. When we do this, we cut off Universal guidance and shift into manic manifesting.

do trust that the Universe has a plan better than yours

Manifesting isn’t about having complete control or satisfying all our short-term desires. True manifesting isn’t even about getting what we think we want. It’s about receiving what is of the highest good for all.

Don’t get me wrong; you will have experiences in which you’ll attract exactly what you want. But controlling outcomes to get just what you want isn’t the goal. Remember, your plan isn’t always the best plan.

For example, if all your meditations and affirmations are around landing a promotion at work, you might completely block a way better opportunity at a different company!

Here’s another example. In this video I share about how I surrendered to a greater plan when it came to having a child…

There is a plan greater than yours. When you surrender to the art of manifesting, you can trust that spirit is guiding you toward your desires — and much more.

Release it, trusting that it’s being taken care of. You can say this simple prayer to turn over your desire:

I step back and let the Universe lead the way.

a prayer to let go and trust

Here’s a short prayer from my book, Super Attractor, that will help you surrender your desires and practice patience when manifesting:

Thank you, Universe and guides of the highest truth and compassion. I am ready to feel free. I welcome a newfound faith.

Say this prayer out loud and take a moment to settle into the feelings of what it means to surrender to faith in the Universe.

If you feel some resistance, honor it and then return to this prayer. You can say it as often as you want. It’s a request for guidance. You’re turning over your plans and clearing space for the energy of the Universe to support you in ways you can’t imagine.

don’t try to “make it happen”

Trying to control and force things to happen is a deeply ingrained habit for many of us.

If you’re on a spiritual path, you may have done some beautiful work to release this pattern. But the ego’s need to control is sneaky, and we can easily  fall back into this pattern without realizing it.

Even if you don’t really identify as a control freak (and I’ll be honest: I used to), there are some subtle ways that we try to control. If you:

  • Sweat the small stuff,
  • Ask a ton of people for their opinions before doing something, or
  • Avoid dealing with things…

…Then it’s likely you’re secretly trying to control your life.

Remember, the Universe has a plan far better than our own. You can stop controlling and start receiving by tapping into that guidance.

Here’s a short prayer for guidance from my book, Happy Days:

Thank you, Universe, for guiding me on this path to becoming new. I honor this vision of how I want to feel. I am willing to receive guidance now.

do practice the spiritually aligned action manifesting method

Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe. In Super Attractor, I teach a manifesting method that I intuitively developed and have applied in my own life. It’s called the Spiritually Aligned Action Method.

I want to give you a sneak peek at this method now…

When we take spiritually aligned action, we can trust that an energy beyond our own is working on our behalf and that everything is working out for us — even if we don’t know exactly when or how it will happen.

step 1 of the spiritually aligned action manifesting method

Practicing step 1 on its own is a game changer. Try this practice to get ready for the full method in Super Attractor!

Step 1 is to make sure your desire is backed with inspiration and service.

When the desire you’re manifesting is aligned with service and inspiration, it’s invincible.

You might be thinking, “How do I know if my desire is backed with service and inspiration?”

Or, “What if what I want isn’t about changing the world? What if I want to find love or get out of debt? How is that of service to others?”

If your desire brings you sincere joy, then it’s backed with inspiration! And as long as you surrender to the highest good for all, spirit will support it.

However, you also need to understand why you want something and what energy is behind it. If you want a new job so your family will approve of you, or if you want a relationship because you feel incomplete on your own, then your desire is likely backed with neediness and fear.

Here’s how to clear up the energy behind your desire: Ask yourself, “Does this desire make me feel inspired and serve others?”

Open your journal and write about how your desire lights you up inside. Write about how your inspiration and positive energy serves others. When you align your energy with service and inspiration, you can trust that it will propel your vision forward.

Finally, let yourself cultivate the feelings of joy, inspiration and great contribution. Give yourself permission to celebrate your desires!

In this video I share more about what it means to take spiritually aligned action:

don’t save your manifesting practices for one special time and place

Many folks think of manifesting as something they do only while in their Zen den (your special meditation space), on their meditation pillow, with every crystal lined up and candle lit. They spend some amount of time in that space meditating, journaling and doing whatever else helps them get aligned, feel good and connect to spirit.

…And then they get up, go about their day and leave their spiritual practices behind.

When you compartmentalize your spiritual practices like this, you’re cutting off the flow of inspiration.

Inspiration isn’t something we can feel only on a retreat, in a yoga class or at a religious service. We do ourselves a great disservice when we put it in a box and keep it separate from the rest of our life.

do make manifesting part of your daily life

Manifesting is something we do continuously. In fact, we’re always manifesting and attracting — it’s just that we usually do it unconsciously.

Instead of saving your manifesting practices for “special” places and times, infuse them into your daily life.

  • Commit to meditating every morning, even if that means sitting in stillness for a couple of minutes and tuning in with your breath.
  • Turn to prayer when you want support or guidance.
  • Stay aware of your finances to help attract abundance.
  • And when you do get into your Zen den, be sure to cultivate the feeling you want!

manifesting is an art

If you’ve had any confusion around manifesting, I hope these do’s and don’ts have helped clarify things for you.

I want to wrap up this post with a short excerpt from Super Attractor about what manifesting truly is…

Manifesting is the creative process of aligning with the energy of the Universe to co-create an experience that elevates your spirit and the spirit of the world. Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about becoming. The more you let go, the more you become a match for what you desire.

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