One of the biggest blocks to our Super Attractor power is our money mindset. Money can be such a space of resistance for us. It can trigger a lot of family wounds and old stories.
Our money mindset is often a direct reflection of how our family handled money or believed in money. It can also reflect the collective consciousness and our society’s stories around money and abundance.
Therefore, we have to heal our money mindset in order to be abundant.
true abundance is an inside job
Being abundant begins with feeling abundant. Whatever we’re thinking about money leads to how we feel about money, and that feeling gives off an energy. That energy either supports our earning capacity or hurts it.
Energy is currency. If we want to use our energy to earn more and have financial freedom, then we need to clean up our thoughts and beliefs about money.
As we open up to shifting our beliefs and our money mindset, we clear the blocks to becoming abundant and attracting financial freedom.
The first step to clearing blocks is to become conscious of them.
We have to look at our ego before we can bring it to the light.
3 big blocks to manifesting abundance
There are a few big blocks when it comes to abundance. One of these beliefs may really resonate with you, but it’s likely that you see all three elements in yourself.
block #1: a lack mentality
The first big block to our abundance is a lack mentality. You may believe that you will never have enough, that you will never be enough, or that there is too much lack in the world.
People who languish in this lack mentality are convinced that they’ll never achieve abundance. They’re constantly struggling to feel secure.
If you carry a belief system of lack, that’s okay. Let’s just look at this lack mentality without judgment.
block #2: the belief that having money makes you better or less than others
The second major block is a belief system that having a certain amount of money makes you better than or less than others.
abundance begins with feeling abundant
This can show up in a couple of ways. You may believe that when you have a lot of money you’re superior to others in some way, e.g., you’re smarter or you work harder.
You might also fear having money because you associate it with negative qualities. You may have a story that says, “I don’t want to be seen in that way.”
People who place importance on money see themselves as inferior if they don’t have a certain amount. And those who do have a lot of money can’t enjoy it because they fear losing it.
block #3: the belief that there’s not enough to go around
People with this block believe that there’s a limit to their earning capacity, or that it’s based on the outside world.
This belief system sees the world in a zero-sum way: If one person has more, then another person has to have less. Only so many people can be abundant.
The belief that there’s not enough to go around really gets revved up by what’s happening in the world around you, because you tell yourself that your capacity to be abundant depends on something outside yourself.
5 ways to manifest abundance
Now that you’re aware of these blocks to manifesting financial abundance, how do you clear them? I want to give you some tools to heal your money mindset and attract the abundance you desire!
witness your blocks and choose again
Witness your own blocks to manifesting abundance. What is your lack mentality? How do you feel better than or less than when it comes to financial security? How does the story that there isn’t enough to go around show up for you?
Start to become very conscious. Throughout the day, pay attention to your thoughts and energy, as well as your behavior around money.
When you notice those fearful thoughts around money, use the moment to create a perceptual shift by practicing my Choose Again Method. Immediately forgive yourself for having that fearful thought and then consciously choose to see it differently.
shift your focus to abundance using the choose again method
Here’s an example. Maybe you catch yourself staring into a boutique window thinking, “I wish I could afford that great pair of boots.”
Forgive the thought immediately and then choose a new one. For example, “I’m grateful for the cup of coffee I’m drinking.”
That simple shift redirects your energy and amps up your gratitude and positivity. In an instant, you remember that you really do have a lot of abundance around you, and you know that more than anything, true abundance is a feeling.
When you take away the need to look for lack and instead look for abundance, abundance becomes what you see. Your true abundance starts with your belief system, so choose to see through the lens of love.
Choose to reach for a thought that makes you feel even subtly better than the one you just had. Thought by thought, guide yourself out of that lack mentality.
It sounds simple and it is. The simplicity of these practices is what helps us create long-lasting change.
respect your money
If you’re feeling blocked financially, do you notice that you’re disrespecting your money in some way? Do you often find that things related to money and business just don’t seem to work out for you? Your financial block stems from an energy block.
Remember, energy is everything, even in your wallet. Energy is currency, so for the sake of your finances and the economy, clean up your wallet, clean up your files, and start to clear the energetic connection to your abundance.
If your wallet is beaten up or overstuffed (or if you just don’t like it), then clean it up or get a new one. Not only will your new, clean wallet energetically support you, but it will also make a statement to the Universe that you’re ready to receive.
want more for others
Wanting more for others puts us into an energy of abundance, because it feels good to want others to feel good. The practice of wishing for others to receive expands your own ability to receive, and this feeling of abundance will help you attract what you want.
When you genuinely want others to be abundant, the Universe will respond in kind.
Wanting more for others requires that we release the block of comparison. When we compare ourselves to others we lean into the lack mentality and the feeling that there’s not enough love in the Universe to support us all.
If someone has what you want, it doesn’t imply that it’s not available to you. In fact, it’s the opposite. Your envy is a reflection of your deep desire. Even if your ego has convinced you that there’s not enough to go around, your higher self knows the truth.
Transform your jealousy into an opportunity to clarify to the Universe what you really want. I believe that the more you see others who have what you want, the closer you are to getting it. Choose to see the people who have what you want as a reflection of what’s to come.
practice the prosperity game
Abraham-Hicks have a great exercise that helps us release our resistance around money so that we can co-create from an energy of abundance rather than an energy of lack. It’s called the Prosperity Game.
how the prosperity game works
The Prosperity Game is a mental practice of receiving checks from the Universe. Every day you double the amount you receive. This puts you in a powerful container of playing around with this feeling of abundance.
Each day, as you accept this new check from the Universe, you have to spend every cent of it. You can spend it on food, clothing, a car. You can spend it on whatever you have enough for.
It sounds really easy, but if money has been a struggle for you in any way, you’re going to be surprised by how challenging it can be to stretch your imagination.
This is a really important part of the game. The game is designed so that you can practice stretching your limiting beliefs about money so that you can truly feel what it feels like to have an unlimited amount of money.
You can start at whatever amount you want you want, but I recommend starting big so that you have something to spend. Let’s say you start by receiving a Universal check for $1,000 on day 1. You need to then mentally spend that entire $1,000 by the end of the day.
List each thing you buy with an approximate cost. (Don’t get too hung up on specific prices.) The next day, you receive a virtual check for $2,000. Again, you have to spend all of it. The next day, you get a check for $4,000, and then one for $8,000, and so on.

prosperity game: rule #1
You can’t give away your money to someone unless it’s for something special like a birthday. This is because we want to practice knowing that unlimited abundance is available to everyone in the world.
If you’re handing a check to someone, you’re missing that they could also be in a stance of manifestation! It’s important to believe that everyone is entitled to create whatever they want, and their creations don’t have to come from a place of lack.
One exception: If you want to create a charity, then make a list of all the things that you need to purchase in order to have that charity be successful. In this case, you’re using the money to invest in what you’re creating.
prosperity game: rule #2
Don’t put your virtual checks into an imagined savings account, unless you’re saving up for something specific like a house. (And even then, don’t start saving for that big item until your daily virtual checks reach a big amount.)
The reason for this is that saving implies that someday there might not be enough. Remember, the Prosperity Game is a mental exercise in unlimited abundance!
feel your energy shift
When you play the Prosperity Game, you want to get into the practice of spending every day so you start to feel your energy shift. That mental opportunity to spend freely day after day puts you into a vibrational stance of manifesting abundance.
Your energetic feelings of abundance will blow your mind because all of a sudden, when you start to feel abundant, abundance will find you.
When you release financial fears, you’ll come to accept that you are not your lack mentality.
say a prayer for abundance
There’s another layer to this healing, which is an abundance prayer. Prayer is the medium for miracles, so make this prayer part of your practice for healing your money mindset.
Your prayer for abundance:
Thank you, Universe, for helping me reinterpret my relationship to money. I know my lacking thoughts are based on fear, and I’m ready to release them now. I welcome new and creative abundance, and I will pay attention to the guidance I receive. I am free from my financial fear. I am abundant.
I can’t wait to hear the abundant miracles that begin to occur for you as you change your energy around your money.
Meditation to manifest financial abundance
Try this free Magnetic Energy Meditation to supercharge your manifesting power and attract abundance now.
get more guidance
- Master the Law of Attraction and Manifest Your Wildest Dreams
- Co-Create with the Universe & Manifest Your Dreams
- How to Tell The Universe What You Want & Manifest Your Desires
- 5 Ways To Start Manifesting the Life You Dream Of
- Dear Gabby, How Do I Know I’m Manifesting?
- The Choose Again Method
join me for the Manifesting Challenge and attract your greatest desires in 21 days—starts January 1

Here’s what you’ll get:
- Manifesting practices to supercharge your energy and make you a MAGNET for your desires
- Easy-to-follow lessons to learn how to master the Law of Attraction and co-create with the Universe in real time
- High-frequency meditations to raise your vibration and open your heart to receive the gifts of the Universe
- PLUS a Manifesting Ritual on Day 21 to close out the challenge