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My Three-Step Method to Help You Clear the Way and Allow Inspiration to Flow

The creative force is a powerful energy that resides in all of us. When we learn to step back and allow it to flow through us, we become Super Attractors.

I learned this lesson many years ago when I was writing my book The Universe Has Your Back.

Writing that book reminded me of what it means to be a channel for creative energy. We have the ability to get into a receptive flow state and allow inspiration to move through us. All it takes is a willingness to get out of our own way.

The key to overcoming these creative blocks is discovering your purpose and tapping into your creative potential. We must all learn to be a creative vessel. It is only when we begin to release these fear-based blocks that we can truly let inspiration flow.

What I have learned over the years and now know to be true is that we all have the power to open up to inspiration. Whether you are a writer, artist, chef, or simply someone looking to live more creatively, the secret lies in learning to step back and let your unique creative force lead the way. The resulting wisdom, healing, and beauty that pours forth will truly astound you.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • My 3-step method for tapping into the creative flow
  • How to begin to overcome fear and self-doubt
  • How to begin to find your unique voice and expression

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This podcast is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your personal journey towards inner peace. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

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