gabby bernstein book guide

hero image manifesting

Two questions I see on social media all the time are:

  • “Which Gabby Bernstein book should I read first?”
  • “Which Gabby Bernstein book should I read next?”

I’m deeply honored every time someone picks up one of my books. They are all true labors of love and mean so much to me. I’ve witnessed thousands of readers experience radical transformations as a result of reading the books and committing to the practices.

I decided to answer the question in the simplest way I know how — with a blog post that breaks down what each of my books is about, why I wrote it, reasons to read it, and what to read once you’re done! (I’ll keep updating this post as I publish more books.)

I want that for every single person who picks up one of my books.

If you get to the end of this post and still feel stumped, don’t worry. Go with your gut. Trust that your inner guidance system is leading you to the book you need most right now, even if it doesn’t make logical sense at first. I don’t say this lightly — my intuition has guided me to read spiritual books that truly changed my life, even though I had no idea why I was led there at first!

“which gabby bernstein book should I read first?”: a book-by-book breakdown

In no particular order…

happy days: the guided path from trauma to profound freedom and inner peace

happy days book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

Happy Days is my most radically personal book to date. It shares the spiritual and therapeutic tools that I used not only to survive trauma, but to thrive. I pray that this lands in the hands of anyone who needs it.

why I wrote it…

I could not have written Happy Days until the moment I did (it was released in 2022). I needed to work through all of my trauma and come out the other side before I could even speak of my healing process… let alone teach others about it! 

My promise to you is this: I would not put my face on the cover of a book that says The Guided Path to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace if I hadn’t taken that path myself — and landed in the exact state of peace that I mention in my subtitle.

I am so proud that this story of hope and resilience is out in the world, and I’m deeply moved by all the lives that it’s touched. Picking up a book like Happy Days is an act of courage. But I promise you: I will hold your hand and offer you gentle guidance on every page.

read happy days if…

  • You’ve experienced trauma of any kind, with a little “t” or a big “T”
  • You are interested in exploring various modalities of healing, ranging from EFT/tapping to somatic experiencing
  • You’re looking for a deeply personal story of healing from trauma so you know that you’re not alone

what to read next

Working through the practices in Happy Days might bring up some heavy emotions for you. Throughout the process, be gentle with yourself. Instead of diving into another self-help book right away, I suggest you check out my free meditations.

you are the guru: 6 messages to move you through difficult times with certainty and faith

you are the guru by gabby bernstein only on audible

what it’s all about

When difficult things happen in the world, it’s normal to feel powerless, afraid, uncertain, or even frozen. We’ve tried to find a sense of security in leaders, institutions, and systems outside ourselves, only to realize it doesn’t exist. No wonder we feel anxious and overwhelmed!

But deep within all of us lie spiritual solutions.

And this Audible Original will wake you up to the presence of solutions within you.

why I wrote it

In order to show up for life and all its challenges, we must be able to regulate our nervous system, calm our mind, and trust our inner wisdom to give us clear direction. That’s why I created You Are the Guru — to teach you the six Messages you can use to guide yourself back to peace at any moment. Think “Messages” with a capital “M.”

listen to you are the guru if…

  • You feel stressed, uneasy or unsure of what to do next — and you want to come back to a state of peace and ease
  • You no longer want to feel like the victim of news stories, global events or chaos
  • You want to reconnect with your inner guidance system and realign with love

what to read next

From the six Messages in You Are the Guru, you’ll learn how to come back to a place of steadiness and peace whenever you feel misaligned. If you want to go deeper with this work, and uncover a true sense of safety within your own system, Happy Days is the book you should read next. 

spirit junkie: a radical road to self-love and miracles

Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein

what it’s all about

Spirit Junkie is my memoir. In it I share the story of how I transformed my life through my spiritual journey.

For years, I struggled with eating disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and constant self-doubt and self-loathing.

And then I hit bottom — and everything changed. I asked for guidance and I received it. I was led to read the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles, which in turn empowered me to trade self-doubt and addiction for a new kind of high.

why I wrote it

I felt called to share my story of transformation. I knew there were other people out there who would be able to see themselves in my story and feel inspired to walk their own radical road.

In Spirit Junkie, I offer up my spiritual journey as a guidebook for overcoming fear, changing perceptions and creating a life you’re psyched to wake up for.

read spirit junkie if…

  • You know you’re meant for more, but you don’t know how to start
  • You want inspiration on your spiritual path
  • You’re looking for an honest story of healing from addiction of all kinds

what to read next

After reading Spirit Junkie, pick up May Cause Miracles for a 40-day guidebook that dives deeper into the lessons of A Course in Miracles.

may cause miracles: a 40-day guidebook of subtle shifts for radical change and unlimited happiness

may cause miracles book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

Simple, consistent shifts in our thinking and actions can lead to miraculous change in all aspects of our daily lives. In May Cause Miracles, I lead you through a 40-day practice of unlearning fear and remembering love.

Each week focuses on a specific aspect of life, such as self-image, relationships and finances. Every day there are short, powerful lessons with spiritual tools such as mantras, meditations, affirmations, journaling exercises and more.

By following this 40-day plan, you’ll amp up your gratitude, strengthen forgiveness and learn how to consistently choose love. The subtle shifts you’ll experience will add up to a truly miraculous life.

why I wrote it

I wanted to share my favorite lessons from A Course in Miracles and make them super accessible.

I chose the 40-day format because following a consistent plan every day helps us stick to our path and create powerful new habits. I’ve always loved structured guides and was psyched to write my own!

read may cause miracles if…

  • You want a simple, structured plan that’s easy to follow
  • You’re willing to witness your fearful patterns so you can transform them
  • You like the idea of adding up subtle shifts in each area of your life

what to read next

If you dig the structured practice of May Cause Miracles, check out my first book, Add More ~ing to Your Life! In it I teach a 30-day process I call “The ~ing Equation.” It’s a high-energy book that helps you get unstuck and clear obstacles.

add more ~ing to your life: a hip guide to happiness

add more ~ing to your life book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

Add More ~ing to Your Life is a 30-day adventure involving physical activity, positive affirmations and creative visualization.

I call this “The ~ing Equation.” It will bulldoze negative thought patterns and create positive change so you can move forward and live an awesome life!

why I wrote it

I had been studying spiritual texts, coaching groups and speaking in small NYC venues for several years. At the time, a new zeitgeist was emerging. I noticed that young women who before had been obsessed with cocktails and designer heels were getting into green juice and meditation instead.

I’d created my ~ing Equation for myself and my clients, and I saw how well it worked to bust through blocks, clear up fear and rev up happiness. I knew I had to share it with the masses.

read add more ~ing to your life if…

  • You want an energizing experience that involves physical activity, affirmations and creative visualization
  • You feel stuck in work, relationships or life in general and want to get out of your rut
  • You’re an older teen or young adult – this is a great book for you!

what to read next

Miracles Now is a great-follow-up to Add More ~ing to Your Life because it has short, potent lessons and exercises that are easy to incorporate into your daily life. More on that one next…

miracles now: 108 life-changing tools for less stress, more flow, and finding your true purpose

miracles now book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

Miracles Now contains 108 of my favorite spiritual and practical tools to combat our most common problems. There are meditations, lessons from A Course in Miracles, and tons of other techniques, affirmations, and inspiring wisdom.

why I wrote it

In this day and age we need ways to clear our stress and fear quickly, because most of us don’t have time for an hour of yoga or 30 minutes of meditation every day. We’re overwhelmed as it is.

Our spiritual practice shouldn’t add to our overwhelm — so that’s why I wrote Miracles Now.

Many of the lessons require just a couple of minutes. This is the perfect book to keep on your nightstand, coffee table or desk for a lesson anytime.

read miracles now if…

  • You like opening a book to a random page to find inspiration and insight
  • You want to check out a lot of different spiritual tools and practices
  • You’re busy and want to bust through fear fast!

what to read next

The lessons and meditations in Miracles Now give you a strong foundation for the transformational work of The Universe Has Your Back.

the universe has your back: transform fear to faith

The Universe has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

what it’s all about

Each story and lesson in The Universe Has Your Back guides you to release the blocks to happiness, security and clear direction.

I’ll teach you how to let go of the need to control so you can relax into a sense of certainty and freedom. Making the shift from fear to faith will give you a sense of power in a world that all too often makes us feel utterly powerless.

When you follow this path, you’ll begin to feel a swell of energy move through you. You’ll find strength when you’re down, synchronicity and support when you’re lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy when you’re otherwise in pain.

why I wrote it

Before I sat down to write this book, I thought it was going to be about manifesting. But it became clear to me that I needed to strengthen my faith first…

So The Universe Has Your Back was born.

As I said when it came out: My commitment with this book is to wake up as many people as possible to their connection to faith and joy. In that connection, we can be guided to our true purpose: to be love and spread love.

These words can no longer be cute buzz phrases that we merely post on social media. Rather, these words must be our mission. We will find the happiness, safety and security we long for in our commitment to love.

In chapter 9 of The Universe Has Your Back, I open up about a habit that made me feel sad and disconnected: judgment.

Writing this chapter was such a powerful experience for me that I quickly realized I was being called to write a whole book on the topic of judgment.

read the universe has your back if…

  • You want to reclaim your true power in a world that often makes us feel powerless
  • You’re ready to strengthen your faith in the Universe with specific, step-by-step lessons
  • Your mind is open and you’re ready to receive intuitive guidance

what to read next

In chapter 9 of The Universe Has Your Back, I open up about a habit that made me feel sad and disconnected: judgment.

Writing this chapter was such a powerful experience for me that I quickly realized I was being called to write a whole book on the topic of judgment. And on that note, the book I recommend reading next is Judgment Detox.

judgment detox: release the beliefs that hold you back from living a better life

judgment detox book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

In Judgment Detox I outline a 6-step process for healing judgment so you can rediscover oneness and feel truly free.

When you follow this practice, resentments will lift and compassion will replace attack. Resistance will transform into freedom, giving you more peace and happiness than you’ve ever known.

Not only that, but healing judgment raises your energetic vibration, creating miracles on a global scale. The more people who detox from judgment, the healthier our world becomes!

why I wrote it

Judgment is pervasive. No matter how spiritual, kind or compassionate we may be, we all suffer from judgment — and that includes me.

Judgment is the No. 1 reason we feel blocked, sad and alone. Our popular culture and media place enormous value on social status, looks, racial and religious separation, and material wealth.

We are made to feel less than, separate and not good enough, so we use judgment to insulate ourselves from the pain of feeling inadequate, insecure or unworthy.

I wrote Judgment Detox to help us heal ourselves and heal the world. Through my personal healing journey I created the six steps you will find in the book. I’ve put myself through all six steps and continue to practice them daily.

read judgment detox if…

  • You want to release the #1 block to your manifesting power
  • You want to let go of resentments and jealousies so you can strengthen your connection to others
  • You’re excited to commit to a clear, proven process to help you witness your fear, bring it to light and heal for good

what to read next

Once you’ve done the beautiful and necessary work of the Judgment Detox, you’ve cleared a major block to your Super Attractor power! You’re ready to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams with Super Attractor.

super attractor: methods for manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams

super attractor book by gabby bernstein

what it’s all about

Super Attractor is a manifesto for confidently claiming your desires. In it, you’ll learn how to co-create the life you want. You’ll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don’t have to work so hard to get what you want.

Most importantly, you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you’ll give off a presence of joy that will elevate everyone around you.

why I wrote it

As a spiritual teacher, I’ve witnessed hundreds of thousands of people begin to wake up to the presence of freedom within. I see these transformations daily.

But while that awakening is beautiful, it isn’t enough. Too often we treat it as the endpoint when it’s really just the beginning.

We may know that we can feel better and therefore attract more, but we must go further and fully embody that truth in order to be free. Embodying this truth begins by undoing the belief systems of fear that block us from being Super Attractors.

Accepting that you’re a Super Attractor will change everything. You’ll trust that it’s safe to release the past and you’ll no longer fear the future. You’ll tap into an infinite source of abundance, energy, joy and well-being.

And you’ll know intuitively how to show up for life and bring more light to the world around you.

read super attractor if…

  • You want to do less and attract more
  • You want to feel a sense of awe each day as you witness miracles unfold
  • You’re ready to accept that you’re always being guided and you have the power to co-create the world you want to see

what to read next

If you’ve read Super Attractor but find yourself still struggling with judgment of any kind, then Judgment Detox is the book for you.

If you realize you need to strengthen your faith so you can truly manifest the life you want, pick up The Universe Has Your Back.

I want to hear from you! tell me about your experiences reading gabby bernstein books!

Now I want to hear from you! If you’ve read any of my books, let me know which one(s)!

Do you remember which one you read first?

Has any book surprised you? How so?

Did you put one down and come back to it later, when you were ready for it?

Did you come across one of my books in an unexpected way?

What’s happened as a result of reading one or more of them?

And from the bottom of my heart, thank you. It’s such a gift to share these books with you and I’m deeply grateful to you for reading them.

Do you feel that you have a book in you? Sign up for my Bestseller Masterclass! I’ll teach you everything you need to know about writing and marketing a bestselling book — even if you have ZERO writing experience! I didn’t have any writing chops when I first started out, and now I’m a 9-time bestselling author. Trust me: If I can do it, so can you. And I want to show you how! Click here to get all the details.

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