how to reframe negative thoughts

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It’s not uncommon for people who believe in the Law of Attraction and who are self-proclaimed Super Attractors to get really nervous when they have a fearful thought.

They think their negative thoughts will become their reality — and they get panicky about manifesting what they don’t want, which then strengthens their fear.

Take a deep breath. I’m going to clear this up.

we all have negative thoughts

A few negative thoughts are not going to manifest a negative outcome.

What we want to be conscious of is how much momentum those negative thoughts build up through repetition.

Abraham-Hicks say, “A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking.”

So let’s not let those negative thoughts gain so much momentum that they become beliefs.

we all have negative thoughts; we also have a choice of what to do with them

you don’t have to fear your negative thoughts

I know that so many people are terrified right now. Maybe you’re afraid of financial insecurity or you’re worried about your health. Maybe you feel isolated or alone or just down. (And maybe it’s all of the above.)

It’s totally fine to feel those feelings and think those thoughts.

But instead of letting them take over, I want to show you how you can reframe your thoughts in the moment.

In the video below, I respond to a question about being scared of negative thoughts. Press play to learn how to slow down the momentum, and keep reading for a 3-step breakdown.

These are tools from Abraham-Hicks that I’ve chosen to live by.

3 ways to reframe your thoughts

When you notice negative thoughts pop up, or when you realize they’re gaining some momentum, turn to any of these practices to undo them.

These tools will reframe your thoughts within minutes and shift you into a better-feeling vibratio


play the appreciation game

This practice comes from Abraham-Hicks, and it’s both simple and profound. Out loud or to yourself, express appreciation for all that is good in your life.

You might say things like:

  • I appreciate my family for supporting me
  • I appreciate the food in my pantry
  • I appreciate technology for making video calls easy
  • I appreciate the way the sun is shining in the window

Just keep going for at least one minute and longer if you can. You can also write down everything you appreciate in your journal, or play the appreciation game with another person.

The act of appreciating will reframe your thoughts and redirect momentum within minutes.

why appreciation is so powerful

Whatever you appreciate you create more of. This is because when you’re in a state of appreciation, you’re in vibrational alignment with your true love nature.

When we’re in a state of appreciation, we’re actively allowing more of what we want to come toward us while dissolving the blocks to the presence of our Super Attractor power.

So whenever you notice yourself worrying about something out of your control, play the appreciation game to redirect your focus. The appreciations you list can be related to the issue you’re worried about or not — it doesn’t matter.

What matters is that you’re shifting your focus off the addictive pattern of worrying and onto the positive habit of appreciation.


practice the choose again method

When you notice a fearful thought arise, you can choose again. Just witness your feelings and use the Choose Again Method from chapter 1 of Super Attractor to reframe your thoughts:

Notice the fear. Notice when your fearful thoughts start sabotaging your positive flow and ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?” Let yourself feel whatever is coming up for you.

Forgive the thought. Forgive your fearful thoughts and celebrate your desire to shift back to feeling good! You can say out loud to yourself, “I forgive this thought and I know it is not real.”

Choose again. Answer this question: “What is the best-feeling thought I can find right now?” Then ask the Universe for support as you lean toward thoughts that feel good. Take your time to reach for positive thoughts about what you want and how you want to feel.

You can always rely on the Choose Again Method to help reframe your thoughts. If fear has you in a headlock and choosing a more positive thought seems far from reach, you can stay in step 2 of the method and simply forgive the thought.

In an instant you can forgive your fear and choose again.


Forgiving the thought puts you into an energy of acceptance rather than resistance. When you forgive the fearful thought, you’re acknowledging that your fear isn’t your truth.

Forgiving your fear gives you permission to return to love when you’re ready. Accepting a more positive and empowering relationship to fear is the fastest way to dissolve it.



gabby meditating in zen den

When we meditate, we shift our energy and stop that negative story that’s on loop. We attune our energy with the loving, peaceful, high-vibration energy of the Universe.

Not only does meditating help us feel better physically and emotionally, but it also helps us hear intuitive guidance.

We don’t find solutions through pushing. We find them through pausing. When we pause, we slow the momentum of our fear.

A pause offers us an opportunity to turn inward for answers rather than pushing and controlling. When we pause, ask and listen, we are guided.

reframing your thoughts is a moment-to-moment practice

This practice is a moment-to-moment commitment. It requires you to start paying attention to your thoughts, words and energy, and to consciously change them.

In time this will become second nature, but right now you have to develop the habit. So be very kind and compassionate with yourself as you make this change, and celebrate each shift along the way, because each shift is a miracle.

You’ll fall back into fear all the time, so don’t beat yourself up for it. Your goal isn’t to never feel fear. Your goal is to come back to love as soon as possible.

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